Ieong Man-Hin
Ieong Man-Hin
Ieong Man-Hin
Born in Macau in 1993. I had been learning how to draw from the Macau artist Ying Lai since a young age. Graduated from Taiwan Tunghai University in 2017 with a double degree of B.A. in Sociology and B.A. in Fine Arts.

Born in Macau in 1993. I had been learning how to draw from the Macau artist Ying Lai since a young age. Graduated from Taiwan Tunghai University in 2017 with a double degree of B.A. in Sociology and B.A. in Fine Arts. Then continued my master degree specialized in Fine Arts in Tunghai graduated in 2020.

A Local Artist and main creative medium is mineral pigments. My Painting focuses helplessness and reflection on life and consumption or satire the phenomenon of natural commercialization. My works have been exhibited in China, Taiwan and Macau. Solo and group exhibitions have been participated in recent years.

Artist's work