A World With No One Around
The picture contains a drawing of the Statue of Liberty inspired by an old photo and an obscured image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The work may keep viewers so absorbed that they feel like being in a world with no one around. The indistinct and iconic images disclose the relation between traditional belief and reality.
As you walk across Macao, you will find cobblestone pavements in different parts of the little town. The pavements, the food stands in Patane, the cannons on Mong Ha Hill, and the Coloane residents exposing salted fish in sunlight are what I can recall of the city in nostalgia after I left the place. ​
Alchemist Project -Silver $5 Coin
Macau in 2020? In 2018, the IMF estimated that Macau’s per capita GDP will jump to the world’s first place in 2020
Doppelganger-Mirror Image-3
Doppelganger There are no exact copies in this world, no perfect clones. Even industrially mass-produced items are just copies which tend to be very close to the original. After all, any two copies are just independent individuals that are extremely similar, never identical. Regarding the topic of copying, I thought deeply about the relationship between the "first body" and the "second body" (its Doppelganger), and explored the spiritual and creative possibilities of copying through creation.